A LIFE OF ADVENTURE - a site about sports and adventure, with articles and information about races, events and expeditions - cycling, hiking, kayaking, scuba, training and interviews with adventurers

In the tracks of the young TE Lawrence

James Henderson cycles through Normandy, Brittany and the Loire in the trail of the young Lawrence of Arabia. Read more…

C Cimbaly Marathon des Sables

C Cimbaly Marathon des Sables

Ultra-Running - Tip Top Tips

Get advice about ultra-running from veterans of all major desert and other ultra-runs. Read more…

Interviews, Reviews, Race Reports

Read interviews with adventure racers, ultra-runners, cyclists and explorers as they set off and return from their events. Read more…

Training Journal

And you thought your training was hard... Read the Fat-knacker's Repose, the story of the calamities and mis-adventures of James Henderson's training regime in A Life of Adventure's Training Journal...  His recent entry is My Crampons for  a Pillow...

Some more adventures to consider...

About A Life of Adventure

A Life of Adventure is about participatory sport and adventure – races, rides, expeditions, events, training for them, preparing, participating and competing. We don’t usually do mountaineering or professional sport, nor machines, either - instead it’s about the things that will inspire YOU to get out there and get active.

It’s about motivation, training and swapping advice, and it’ll give you the view from the ground, the grunt and graft during participation. And let’s not forget our adventurous ancestors, so there are historic stories about adventurers too.

A Life of Adventure was almost named Adventure, Adventure, Adventure… in a play on Location, Location, Location… Basically it’s the antidote to nesting. So if you are happiest when working your body hard in an exotic location and you feel a small ache of dissatisfaction at our daily diet of stories about rather badly behaved professional footballers, if you feel an urge, to get out there and do something intensely physical, then this site will have lots of ideas for you.

To find out more about James Henderson, the main writer at A Life of Adventure, see here...

Sign Up

A Life of Adventure would love to keep you posted with ideas and tips about well… adventure. Sign up and we’ll send occasional inspiring, pithy and hopefully funny messages about how to find adventure and the people involved. We promise not to bombard you and will never sell your email address on. You can Sign up here...



A Life of Adventure would be delighted to hear from you, with a question or comment, a suggestion for an interviewee, or a subject to cover, or an adventure for Desk till Dawn at the Financial Times’ How to Spend it magazine. Please do so through our Contact Form here.