Welcome to our page about endurance, the subject that lies at the heart of A life of Adventure. Human endurance is extraordinary; it forms the basis of every ironman triathlon, adventure race and every true expedition, and yet it is still not completely understood. Follow us on a journey to explore its physiology and the psychology. Read about endurance in action at our Journal Not Fast but Far… and the science of human endurance at Endurance in Theory…
Welcome to - Nor Fast but Far… a journal of endurance in action. Our writer, back on his steel steed, cycles the world… See more here, or read entries by title below.
Read all about it…!
Recently the Guardian’s Saturday magazine ran an article about the rise of ultra-distance races.
See the story of 45 South-West, a 4375 kilometre bike-packing event (with 50,000+ metres of elevation) from Krakow in Poland to Tarifa at the southern tip of Spain… Read More…
Not Fast but Far…
The Journal from the Beginning -
So this anxiety, the simple, chilling question -‘What am I for…?’ - has been building for years, stacking up with the pressure of some Alpine dam … well, in my case more like the chaotic accretion of sticks and general detritus in a beaver hide… Read on…
James Henderson’s ‘Training Journal’, which revels in exercise but is about anything but training… Read more, or click below
Welcome - Endurance …in Theory is a journal about the relentless pursuit of the science behind human endurance (well, that’s the theory, anyway…), to pin down material for stories of endurance endeavour in newspaper articles and eventually in a book…. Read more…