
If physical endeavour is part of every adventure, then training is a key part of your preparation – and for most adventurers, setting the body to work is part of the fun. But are you being as effective as you can be? A Life of Adventure will look at training programmes in all the different sports, the people who can produce them for you and others that can help you get the best results. We’ll also look at nutrition and review the equipment and apps that will help you get the best results.

Meantime though, a bit of light relief. In his Journals, James Henderson will describe his training regimes for various events and competitions. Well, sort of. In fact, as you can guess by his somnolent position in a hammock and the quotation marks around the title of this page, he writes about anything but exercise and training...

JAmes Henderson's training Journal

First Post: In the Fat-Knacker's Repose, James Henderson writes about his training for cycling and adventure races. Well, not, actually. He writes about anything but training... Read more...


The MOntana Journals

In which the old fat-knacker tries to relive his youth on IGO W114 in Montana for the FT's luxury magazine How to Spend it. Read more...


Six blokes take on Challenge Roth, Europe's most fearsome triathlon. Read about their training and misadventures. Read more...


We will continue to add stories and facts about training to this page. In fact, if you hear of someone training for an event or expedition who you think might write an amusing journal, then do contact us to let us know about it. The more exotic and far-flung the event or expedition the better.