More Hints for Newbie Adventure Racing teams
Gary Davies, Team EnduranceLife
Try other events which complement Adventure Racing e.g. Orienteering, Mountain Bike Orienteering, Mountain Marathons
Develop common goals/objectives for the race in advance e.g. 1. finish the full course as a team of four, 2. be competitive and target top 10, 3. take it easy or hard during Leg 1
Rule #1 - look after your feet. Bad feet = painful & slow race or potentially DNF
Rule #2 - look after each other. Ask each other how they feel frequently.
During the race, try to keep moving (i.e. not stopping ) as much as possible. It's generally better to go slower but keep moving to keep the average speed up and intensity down.
Have an open and honest communication policy in the team. Share low and high moments. Don't bottle up emotions/issues.
Develop a culture of 'no blame.' If the navigator makes a mistake, don't make them feel worse. Support them and work with them e.g. estimating distance travelled, feeding and hydrating them, altimeter support...
Each team member should have a role e.g. primary navigator, back up navigator, team captain, rule book/punch card owner, logistics manager... These should generally be agreed in advance of the race start but could potentially chaneg during the race.